Advanced Reporting

RocketGate's advanced reporting system, “Mission Control” gives you the information necessary to make well-informed business decisions. Real-time reports are available online so you can view data anytime, anywhere. Mission Control allows you to view reports in a variety of formats such as HTML, CSV, PDF and XML. Merchants wishing to integrate data into in-house reporting applications can utilize an API to retrieve any of the reports programmatically.


Mission Control answers key business questions like:




A small sampling of reports in Mission Control:



Reports can be cross-referenced by affiliate, country, website, product, price, merchant account, and more. Approval ratios and decline reasons can be cross-referenced by affiliate, country, site, product, price, account, and more.  


Data at Your Fingertips

Highly illustrative reports with graphs and projections mean you always know how your business is growing.


Pull Data Programmatically

Merchants who want to integrate data into in-house reporting applications can retrieve report data automatically.


Real time reports offer up-to-the-minute sales data.